web links
http://www.willtuttle.com/ - the website of the author of the translated in more than 18 languages book "The World Peace Diet. Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony"
http://www.worldpeacediet.com/ - info, events, videos, education as for the book "The World Peace Diet. Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony"
http://www.pcrm.org/ - The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
http://www.cowspiracy.com/ - «Cowspiracy. The Sustainability Secret», the documentary which every teacher, responsible citizen and environmental organisation should carefully watch and study
http://www.whatthehealthfilm.com/facts/ - «WhattheHealth!» documentarywithsolid research on our health and the high contribution to its devastation by our diet, our health care (!) system, our social structures & lifestyle, animal agriculture, the meat and dairy industry, the pharmaceutical industries, the GMOs and chemicals industries and the processed food industries
https://gaiaeducation.org/ - educational organisation for sustainability and community building
http://www.annalindhfoundation.org - Anna Lindh Foundation for the promotion of the intercultural dialogue in the Meditteranean basin
http://www.ashacentre.org- a UK charity for the empowerment of young people, sustainable development and peace & reconciliation worldwide
http://www.ceipes.org - International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development
http://oikopolissocialcenter.blogspot.gr/ - a parallel city for ecology and social solidarity
http://www.dromoi-zois.gr- Support to socially excluded children and families
http://charterforcompassion.org - global network of schools and educational institutions for Compassion
http://www.eepf.gr- Greek Society for the Protection of Nature
http://www.medsos.gr- MED SOS network
http://www.peliti.gr - Peliti, the alternative society for saving indigenous seeds' varieties
http://www.adaptt.org - veganism, animals' protection, personal health (talk and revealing videos on contemporary diet)
http://veganism-now.blogspot.gr - Peace Food diet, veganism, integrative justice
http://www.solon.org.gr - SOLON for synthesis and ecology culture
http://www.house-of-light.gr - the place of Synthesis and Synergies for self-awareness and personal development
http://www.european-village.org - alternative living, eco-communities, fair trade economy, DIY practices
http://www.permacultureglobal.com - permaculture projects all over the planet
http://www.cob.gr- Building today for tomorrow - Natural building, bioclimatic architecture
http://www.mko-dro.gr- Development of the Life Quality of Hindered Persons
http://www.ekpaideytikos.gr- updated webpage for every Teacher in Greece
http://www.independent.gr - e-periodical for culture and political thought
http://www.enallaktikos.gr - independent platform for solidarity, social-cooperative economy, resilience,civil society