GreekEnglish (United Kingdom)

the s p i r a l travels

Cooperation with non profit bodies and organisations in Europe via European projects and programmes for:

Sustainability, regenerative practices, permaculture, living in eco-villages/eco-communities, life coaching, leadership, Human Rights, Human Values, Creativity, Active Citizenship, Youth and Contemporary Europe, Poverty, Unemployment, Global Education, personal & collective empowerment etc.


Movement, Community and Nature for the empowerment of Youth

European programme/Training Course (Erasmus+)

Association of Nurturing the Earth and Spirit, Slovenia, 1-8 August 2023

The Training Course invited participants from ten European countries to work with their bodies (somatics), breath, voice, community theatre, social pedagogy, social permaculture, self-regulation, the theatre of the oppressed, the gifts of Nature, silence … in the area of Ruše, mountain landscapes, waterfalls and forests.

Games, inner work, walks in nature, ‘the hero’s journey', permaculture zoning and design web as well as the dynamic contribution of the participants during the Open Space time slots navigated the whole experience.



Youth, Arise! Creative Tools for Youth Workers

Part 3: The Mindful Youth Worker

European programme/Training Course (Erasmus+)

ASHA centre, U.K., 6-15 June 2023

Participants from eight European countries were invited to promote the values of peace and cooperation which underpin European civilisation, to enhance understanding of the social factors that lead to apathy and alienation amongst young people, to develop greater poise and presence in their work.

The participants really appreciated and also were inspired by the natural surroundings of ASHA centre and the implementation of various activities in the open-air spaces of ASHA's property, experiencing qualities which supported their work towards the Mindful Youth Worker.


Youth, Arise! Creative Tools for Youth Workers

Part 2: The Empowered Speaker

European programme/Training Course (Erasmus+)

ASHA centre, U.K., 16-25 May 2023

Participants from eight European countries were invited to explore and experience "the Empowered Speaker" through breathing techniques, body awareness, self-confidence tools, individual and group performances, 'entrainment' to the collective sound/pulse of the group. 

Activities, workshops, games, time for reflection, connection with the neighbouring forest, self-care, work in pairs/sub-groups, inclusive participation of ASHA's staff and volunteers ... contributed to the articulation of the whole European experience. 


Youth, Arise! Creative Tools for Youth Workers

Part 1: Life-Coaching

European programme/Training Course (Erasmus+)

ASHA centre, U.K., 17-26 January 2023

The experience aimed at providing tools and techniques of life-coaching so that participants can more effectively mentor and support young people in their home communities, as well as learning about best practice in this field, and how to bring out the best in others.

The group took time for deep reflection, concentrated listening, open conversations and holistic learning within a communal environment that makes use of the vibrant natural surroundings.

Four ladies from Athens and Thessaloniki, of various age, strongly motivated and with the intention to disseminate the experience, represented Greece in this programme.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein


Bridgedale Training

European programme/Training Course (Erasmus+)

Erraid island, U.K., 26 August - 3 September 2022

Four participants from Greece were called to familiarise themselves with the Bridgetale toolkit towards sustainability, community & peaceful living, exploring as well the economic, ecological, social and cultural resilience as factors of personal development.


The participants contributed to the community life of the Erraid remote island of Scotland by participating in the everyday tasks, experienced the authentic natural surroundings, touched upon qualities of listening, ecovillages’living and permaculture.



From Separation to Participation: 

Deepening our relationship to the natural world

European programme, Training Course (Erasmus+)

The ASHA Centre, UK, 29 October - 15 November 2020


Three young Greeks represented our organisation in the long european programme,

in the midst of our planetary crisis, a programme deeply inspirational and creative.

In a time of environmental and social turbulence, it has been a necessity to explore

more conscious and empathic ways of relating to the natural world as a positive

step towards creating a healthy future.

The course has been inspired by the three-fold principle of “Self, Soil and Society”, continuously practiced at ASHA, in addition to the holistic educational approach of learning through Head, Heart and Hands.

The course examined the importance of our relationship to the natural world, from the early beginnings of human societies until today. It explored the enduring value of living in harmony with the rhythms, processes and special culture of the Earth.

It guided the group of participants in their self-exploration and their relationship to all of their environments through poetry, visual arts, visualisations/meditations, singing & music, debates, Open Space Technology, collaborative activities, theatre games, activities towards self/group empowerment and energisers, walks in Nature.



Yes to Sustainability European Youth programme - Training course (Erasmus+)

Eco-village Torri Superiore, Italy, 13-20 October 2020

Two young participants, one female and one male, from Greece participated in the programme which took place in Northern Italy in the context of the Yes to Sustainability european projects.

The training followed non-formal education activities and methodology.

The participants have been invited to participate fully in the days of the training and focus on activities and working groups towards self-knowledge, leadership, conflict transformation, facilitation tools/skills, Connection with nature.

The participants were given the opportunity to take initiatives, practice upon group work, contribute to the overall flow of the training course with their work in sub-groups.


From Separation to Participation: Addressing the Causes of Brexit

Part II: Embracing the Self

European Youth programme - Training

ASHA centre, U.K., 14 - 22 January 2020

14-22 January 2020 our organisation was represented by 4 Greeks in the age of 20 - 43 years old during the well-timed Youth EU project 'From Separation to Participation: Addressing the Causes of Brexit', hosted at ASHA centre, UK.

The project constituted the continuation of the work accomplished during the first part in the same hosting place, having shifted in this Part II the main focus from Society to the Self.

Work with the Self, mindfulness techniques, the stories of life each participant is bringing (in him/her), exposure to Nature, visualisation, artistic expression have been some of the components of the experience.

The project has been an Erasmus+ Youth project.


Toolkit of Young Leaders in Ecovillages (TYLE)

Yes to Sustainability European Youth programme - Training course (Erasmus+)

Amalurra, Spain, 1-8 December 2019

Two Greek participants participated in the TYLE programme at Amalurra based in the Basque country in Spain

in the context of the Yes to Sustainability european projects.

The training followed non-formal education activities and methodology.


The participants have been invited to participate fully in the days of the training and focus on activities for personal and collective/community empowerment, self-knowledge, leadership, conflict transformation, Connection with nature, every environment, fears and shadows in the Self and situations lived by people especially in community projects.

The participants were given the opportunity to take initiatives, work upon and implement the facilitation of the educational activities of the programme.



European Youth programme - Training course (Erasmus+)

Arterra Bizimodu, Spain, 12-16 November 2019

4 Greek participants from Athens and the Greek province participated in the CLIPS ( training course which took place in the well-known Spanish ecovillage Arterra, Bizimodu.

The context for this training seminar has been a response, in the form of a KA2 project, to the difficulties of group projects in their early stages (2015-17). A conceptual framework for the improvement of groups and organizations was developed, called CLIPS (Community life Incubator Programme for Sustainability), with a guide in which group processes, their challenges and corresponding tools are described, collecting 30 years of experiences in ecovillages from different European countries. 


main objective of the training:

A clear image of the CLIPS Model and its five layers and how to use them to support new projects.


The training followed non-formal education activities and methodology.



European Youth programme - Training course

Scotland, 24th-31st October 2019


Our organisation was represented by two participants (from Athens, Thessaloniki).

The participants were coming from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece,

Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia & UK.

Bridgedale 360 is a tool kit of over 80 stories and activities that help youth workers to bring awareness to youth about global challenges and to encourage sustainability thinking, activism, and personal development.

This training is for Youth Workers & Educators (18+ yrs) involved in Sustainability Education & those active in the youth work field.


The training is non-formal in nature and the methods will include:

games; situation exercises; individual, pair, small and large group work; reflection time; discussions etc.



- to equip youth workers with adequates tools to engage young people in exploring 

ecological, social, economical and cultural sustainability as a means of personal development


- to improve the quality of youth work in sustainability education 


- to raise awareness of the European dimension of youth work and the global nature of sustainability issues.



From Separation to Participation: Addressing the Causes of Brexit

Part I: Embracing Society

European Youth programme - Training

ASHA centre, U.K., 10 - 18 September 2019

10-18 September 2019 our organisation was represented by 4 Greeks in the age of 20 - 45 years old during the well-timed Youth EU project 'From Separation to Participation: Addressing the Causes of Brexit', hosted at ASHA centre, UK.

The project invited the participants in dynamic participation via interviews with local people in Gloucester, visit to Stround Transition Town of the Global Transition Towns Network, activities on deep & participative Democracy, discussion with a local expert/activist, among other non-formal education methodologies towards social participation.

The project has been an Erasmus+ Youth project.


Sustainability, Theatre & Music

European Youth programme - Youth Exchange

Valdepielagos, Spain, 24 June - 3 July 2019

6 young people and one Youth Leader constituted the Greek delegation of the abovementioned Youth Exchange, in the context of YES to Sustainability projects funded by Erasmus+. Young people, 18-30 years old, from Greece, Netherlands, Spain were invited by the cultural organization Sol y Tierra to participate in activities, workshops and community tasks every day during the Exchange, experiencing aspects of sustainable, resilient living (food/nutrition, consumption, composting, low waste, spirituality, communication, conflicts’ transformation, inner work, unity singing, acro-yoga, theatre, polyphonic singing, meditation, practical tools towards fertile collaboration, authentic expression)

The activities and meals were hosted in one of the houses of the Valdepialagos eco-housing co-operative and the Young people were having their lodging in other houses of the co-operative, interacting directly with the inhabitants of the co-operative.

The experience reached its peak moment with the multi-coloured theatre performance for the Earth (comedy, polyphonic singing, acro-yoga, juggling with fire) at a municipal space in Valdepielagos town with the participation of the whole group in front of local audiences


One participant from the Greek delegation, Katerina Kousouri, shares thoughts and expereinces from the programme in her blog:

Here follows the video with moments of the YE, created by Giannis Panaousis, one of the Greek participants:


European Youth programme - Youth Exchange (Erasmus+)

at Tempo di Vivere, ecovillage, Italy, 5-17 June 2019

Five young people from Greece, including one Youth Leader, participated in the Youth Exchange under the umbrella of Yes to Sustainability projects.

Young people (18-30 years old) from Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, had the opportunity to live in this ecovillage of Northern Italy, contribute to community tasks daily, experience the Circle Way as a safe space for collective decision-making, receive knowledge and education through participation and processes of non-formal education and deepen into issues of sustainability via workshops of Non-Violent Communication, permaculture, book binding, naturopathy, alternative education (i.e. home-schooling) 


Participants also shared points of view and concerns regarding the ways through which they may contribute to the positive transformation of contemporary living at financial, social, environmental, interpersonal & personal level.


They created short theatre performances, energised their bodies, organised intercultural evenings, prepared meals and enjoyed quality time at the nearby water falls.


They brought back knowledge, experience, joy and powerful motivation to apply the Circle Way in groups of various contexts of theirs (activism, job, family, neighbourhood etc.), as well as practical tools for positive transformations in these environments..




«Training about Youth Exchanges for Sustainability»

Networking event for the creation of Youth Exchanges

in eco-villages and sustainable projects

European Youth Erasmus+ programme

Sunseed, South Spain, 31st of March - 6th of April 2019

This has been a networking event for youth workers who choose to create youth exchanges in ecovillages around the theme of sustainability in all its aspects.

Young people from various European countries, including Greek delegates selected by our organisation, brainstormed ideas for projects and worked on the most promising ones in four sub-groups, creating a project development plan with concrete steps to follow up to the actual application, after returning to own countries.




«Get Inspired! Youth Worker Life Coaching Training»

European Youth programme

Gloucestershire, UK, 4-16 November 2018

A Youth training took place in ASHA centre, UK, between the 6th and the 14th of November 2018  

«Get Inspired! Youth Worker Life Coaching Training»

Valuable educational tools and experiences empowered young people towards identifying true purpose in their life, digging into their wisdom through the Labyrinth, being open to synchronicities and the good flow, understanding personality archetypes and the Enneagram, communicating efficiently within a win-win atmosphere and intention, empathising and self-empathising, inspiring their co-humans, BEING whole.

Our organisation as one of the programme’s partners was represented by five highly motivated young people, Anna-Maria, Chris, Nikos, Sevi, Konstantina.

Stay tuned for more inspirations and gentle action!


"Training Youth Leaders"

European Youth programme

Lakabe, Spain, 16-23 October 2018

Our organization participated in the Youth European Programme «Training Youth Leaders» hosted in Lakabe ecovillage, Spain, 16-23 October 2018. We have been represented by two young participants who experienced the opportunity to interact with young people from 10 European countries and Israel.

The programme constitutes the continuation of the «Yes to Sustainability» initiatives and trainings which, together with the dynamic and transformative work/vision of GEN Europe (Global Ecovillages Network), invite the European Youth to share knowledge and experiences upon collective/horizontal decision-making processes, active listening, deep ecology, discussions & healing methods for the contemporary way of living and paths through which the Youth (may) contribute to the positive changes they wish to see in the world.

Learning outcomes:

- Know your strengths and vulnerabilities as a youth leader

- Creating a learning environment (space, materials, setting)

- Working in an international group setting

- Learn how to prepare sessions (objectives, materials, planning, etc)

- Learning how to prepare session to address different learning styles

- Mentoring skills and techniques

- Learning different non-formal tools and facilitation methodologies such as:

- Open Space

- World Cafe

- Forum / Emotional Management

- Deep Ecology

- Non- Violent Communication Methodology

- Basic Principles of Facilitating.

- Basic Principles of Supporting Emotional Processes

- Giving and Receiving Feedback (Love Culture)

Our Greek participants have been grateful for the warm environment and feeling of companionship, their active participation during and out of the educational sessions, the empowerment of the participants, as game changers, towards creating and implementing (Youth) projects in the nearest future, the inspirations the  living in eco-villages provides.


"Community Development"

European Youth Training Courses

Gloucestershire, UK, January, March, May-June 2016


Inclusiveness, participation, empowerment, cohesion...all these are crucial elements that one meets when seeking to build, reinforce or animate a community. For if cultivating a community spirit is about contributing together towards a common cause, it is also simply about becoming more aware and active individuals. With such an important but complex task, creativity, arts and innovation, social ecology and intergenerational dialogue hold a great potential to bring about and sustain the communities of the future. 

The international organisation ASHA Centre brought together young people, youth leaders and youth workers from around Europe to work together, experience, create, live holistically during the TCs within the ASHA community and practice innovative, simple and joyous tools for Community Development.

Our organisation has been one of the core partners of the 3-fold project, funded as an Erasmus+ programme.


"Youth Well-Being"

European Youth Training Course

Gloucestershire, UK, 11 - 18 August 2015

The international organisation ASHA Centre brought together 32 young people, youth leaders and youth workers from 10 european countries inviting them to receive information and experience they need to make healthier, wiser and well-balanced lifestyle choices through the lens of a holistic approach.

By offering a programme of land and arts based activities, the hosts provided opportunities for the development of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and focused on the principles of well-being (issues, concept and measures) as well as on practical tools and methods of how young people could be educated about well-being.

Activities, games, psychological/personal growth exercises, body work, voice work, work with the internal peace. for individuals, sub-groups and the plenary. opened up the field towards personal search of the Self and close cooperation among the participants through the training course.

The project took place in the ASHA Centre, at the edge of the Forest of Dean, in an environment that is health giving, intentionally designed to be therapeutic, beautiful and inspiring.


Highlights of the TC, according to the positive evaluations of the participants, have been the meal preparation in the natural environment of ASHA centre, with the 'participation' of the plants, vegetables and fruits, of its biodynamic gardens, the group singing session, the 'Enneagram' tool for types of personality, the positive spirit through the duration of the programme.

The Greek participants returned back home full of ideas and inspirations for direct application in their personal and professional lives.

The "Youth Well-Being" TC has been an Erasmus+ programme. 


"Holistic approach: learning to fight against GBD with our bodies, minds and souls"

Training Course, European Programme

Palermo, Italy, 1-8 July 2014

The project was coordinated by the International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (CEIPES) and our organisation was a core partner as well as one of the trainers' senders. (Two trainers in the project: one from Italy and one from Greece)
The TC "Holistic approach: learning to fight against GBD with our bodies, minds and souls" aimed at fostering capacity building of trainers and youth workers working in non-formal education contexts and with young people victims of gender based discrimination (GBD), by providing them with the opportunity to learn about new methods and approaches, namely holistic learning and theatre of the oppressed.
A second goal had been a benevolent and holistic contribution to the empowerment of young people victims of GBD so that they can deal wisely and effectively with their human rights' violation and any situations of discrimination.
This project received the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
The holistic approach was applied holistically (!) the main content of the TC, its overall environment and learning context, as well as outside the time and space of the seminar room (intermissions, mornings', nights' activities etc.).



"Theatre Skills for Creativity & Youth Participation"

Training Course, European Programme

Gloucestershire, U.K., 25th of March-1st of April 2014

This ASHA Centre Action 3.1 Training Course brought together 27 youth leaders and youth workers, as well individuals with theatre experience, from the EU and South-East Europe, in order to develop their skills in theatre work with young people as a means of fostering their creativity and active participation.

Theatre has been a universal language that allows young people to actively participate and express their views in the community regardless of their skills and abilities as well as their background. This inclusive tool was explored in the TC through the following methods: theatre of the oppressed, temperaments' workshops, body and voice workshops.

In addition, the participants had the chance to prepare and present in the plenary a 'Theatre of the Oppressed' piece after working together in groups.


The course involved a number of theatre professionals and practitioners from the ASHA Centre, Gloucester Theatre Company and the Tongue of Fire Youth Theatre.


"Interfaith Ambassadors"

Training Course, European Programme

Gloucestershire, U.K., 18-25 February 2014

The training course invited youth leaders and youth workers with a track record of delivering interfaith work locally and internationally, aiming at exchanging experiences and good practices as well as sharing the legacy of ASHA Centre’s interfaith work.

The seminar was held at the ASHA Centre in the unique natural environment of the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, UK and involved 28 participants from 7 EU countries.

The 7-day seminar programme consisted of a wide range of non-formal educational activities including discussions, small group work, simulation exercises, visits to temples and heritage sites and an introduction to ASHA’s interfaith dialogue philosophy including a tour of all the world religions’ symbols at the ASHA Centre Gardens.

The experience has been particularly valuable and beneficial to the Greek delegation, the members of which has built strong bridges with people around Europe who work and collaborate upon the contemporary subject of interfaith dialogue.


"Human library:Fostering dialogue to combat discrimination and promote diversity"

Training Course, European Programme

Palermo, 20-27 March 2013

The project has been coordinated by International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (CEIPES) that is an international NGO which main office is based in Palermo, Italy. CEIPES has a broad experience in running youth international events in the field of human rights, non-­discrimination and cultural diversity. So far CEIPES has run six human libraries, all very successful. Given the relevance of the methodology and the impact observed in the local community CEIPES decided to run this training with the aim of boosting the capacity of NGOs in Europe on the human library methodology.

The project was implemented with the support of three partner NGOs: Estee People to People (Estonia), United Societies of Balkans (Greece) and World Youth Independent Union (Armenia).

Our organisation, 'the spiral, holistic education' sent two volunteers to be trained in HL issues and live its experience.

Specific objectives:
1. To prepare a group of 22 participants to use the HL tool by fostering the necessary competences to prepare, implement and evaluate a living library.
2. To address HL tool and issues of discrimination of minorities through a human rights perspective.
3. To foster among participants knowledge on minority issues and concerned human rights violations in Europe.
4. To do capacity building of youth NGOs in Europe on non-­‐formal education tools to fight discrimination of minorities and to encourage dialogue and solidarity.
5. To create a network of organisations actively engaged in HL activities.

On the 20th of June 2013, the World Refugee Day, our organisation participates in the international HL network with the implementation of a HL in Athens.

This project was funded with the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.


"Creating a Peace of Art"

Training Course, European Programme

Dilijan, Armenia, 28.02 - 08.03.2013

The TC focused on the role of youth work and young people in promoting peace and reconciliation using art as a medium. The objectives have been: 

 explore youth work as a tool for peace and reconciliation
 explore the role of young people in society working for peace
 development of youth work practice
 promote art as a medium for exploring these issues
Profile of participants:
24 youth leaders, youth workers, volunteers, mentors and facilitators
The TC was funded as a Youth in Action Programme.


The salt tale 

(International Youth Exchange about Salt Mining Traditions)

Wieliczka, Krakow, Poland
28.05.2012 – 04.06.2012

The s p i r a l participated in the International Youth Exchange as one of the three core partners of this Youth in Action programme, after accepting the invitation by the Polish organisers (Jordan Youth Centre).

Salt mining traditions and techniques in Poland and participant countries, salt as the wealth of of Wieliczka city, tourist use of the salt mine, health & salt, art & salt, integration of young people.

Meeting of young people from places with salt traditions, comparing mining/extraction techniques among Poland and participant countries, seeing how salt influences people's lifes, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living near salt deposits, learning how salt mining affects culture, environment and health. Workshops and leisure time activities were organised. One of the main targets has also been the integration, breaking language and cultural barriers, tracing common hobbies, developing friendships that might evolve into a similar exchange in other countries.

How it worked:
In this Youth Exchange young people form three European countries – Poland, Romania and Greece - participated. During their stay in Wieliczka participants had the opportunity to realize, experience and contribute to the main targets of the project by taking part in workshops, activities, meetings, presentations and sightseeing visits. They visited Wieliczka Salt Mine, Wieliczka city and Krakow city, learned cultural elements of the region, occupations and professions related to the salt tradition, met local polish youth, performed during the annual Salt Feast in Wieliczka city. They also had the opportunity to present their countries and cities as well as the organisations they represented.

English had been the official working language during the Yourth Exchange.

•    Visiting Wieliczka city (city game);
•    Visiting city Krakow;
•    Learning about history and culture of the region;
•    Visiting Wieliczka Salt Mine;
•    Visiting local museum – salt cellar’s exhibition;
•    Art and photo wokshops;
•    Learning about occupations related to salt mining;
•    Tales and legends related to salt mining - drama;
•    Traditions and methods of salt mining in Europe – participants' presentation;
•    Taking part in the annual outdoor event 'Feast of Salt'
•    Discussions and presentations about salt & health, salt & ecology, salt mining traditions & tourism, salt & artistic production;
•    Making an overall PowerPoint presentation and a video;
•    Learning about culture of all participants (international evenings);
•    Integration games, leisure activities, sports

Eight (8) people 18-22 years old from Greece + 9 from Romania + 9 from Poland

Organisers: Jordan Youth Centre in Krakow

The historical Wieliczka Salt Mine has been protected by UNESCO, constituting the only mining site in the world in continuous operation since the Middle ages.


Human Rights Education through Turkish Shadow Puppet Theatre

(International Training Course)

Ö d e m i ş / Izmir, Turkey

14 – 21 May 2012

After the invitation of the organising body CEIPES, the s p i r a l participated as core-partner to theTraining Course, main topics of which has been participation, inclusion versus integration, social rights, human rights, active citizenship in contemporary Youth's lifes.

The project followed non-formal education methodologies, developed through experiential activities and provided the time and space for close contact of the participants with the locality (local youth, its problems, supportive institutions...). The project reached its peak point with the Karagioz performance, prepared in every detail by the invited participants from countries around Europe (shadow puppets, plot, sounds, effects, actual performance of the puppets) and presented in front of the local public of Ö d e m i ş during the last day of the project, which coincided with the National Youth's Feast in Turkey. The prepartion of the performance was guided with great spirit, kindness and delicate observations by the well-known shadow puppet theatre master, Mansur Erk.

The performance brought forth messages regarding Youth's Participation, Social Inclusion, Youth's Initiatives and the need for bridges and collaborations at various levels.

This project has been funded with support from the European Youth Foundation of Council of Europe.





Global Education - International Seminars

One of the founding members of our organisation has participated in the two international seminars of the project Global Education without Borders in Brno, Czech Republic and Lozen, Bulgaria (March & October 2011, correspondingly), with participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary and Greece.

The international seminars have been organised in the framework of the project “Enhancing Development Education in Central-Eastern European Countries”, branded as “Global Education without Borders”. The project foresees six international seminars, each organized by different project partner. The partners organisations have been: Südwind (Austria), C.E.G.A. (Bulgaria), European Perspective (Greece), Anthropolis (Hungary), CDSF (Romania), NaZemi (Czech Republic).

Over 40 participants took part in the Third International Seminar of the project Global Education without Borders that took place in Bulgaria between 15 and 18 October 2011. The seminar was dedicated to the theme “Global Education in non-formal youth work” and brought together youth leaders and volunteers in youth organizations. Apart from the key-note speaker, workshops, tools and good practices, an important part of the seminar was the presentation of the toolkit “Change your view”, developed collaboratively by the partners in the “Global education without Borders” project. The participants were introduced to the toolkit, which is on its way of publishing, and then had the chance to experience some of the exercises from the different chapters: Globalization, Competition and Cooperation, Needs and Lifestyles, Borders, Media and Education.

Our organisation introduced the participants into tools and methodologies of Community Art in relation to the content and issues of Global Education.


The international seminar in Czech Republic "Global Education – Opportunities and Challenges" invited school teachers and multipliers (educators, trainers) from the project's participating countries, in order for them to have the chance to focus upon the concept, content, goals and pitfalls of Global Education and explore the possibilities of school activities, programmes and initiatives within the Global Education framework. Key-note speaker, workshops, group discussions, Open Space Technology, good practices have consisted the main content of the seminar.

Our organisation had the chance to present to the participants the narration of Human Values texts as one methodology tool for school and educational work.




Human Rights & Active Young Citizens in Europe 

One of our volunteers represented our organisation in the European Youth Meeting "Developing Youth Participation and Democratic Citizenship through ICT", Palermo, Sicily, 21st-28th of June 2011, after our organisation's accepting the invitation by CEIPES, the host organisation.

The workshop aimed to support and encourage young people to participate in all levels of social and political life and introduce youth with new ways and possibilities on how to be involved and, even more, to impact current situation and make changes in problematic fields of participants’ communities.
The meeting gathered 28 young people from different countries: Italy, Bulgaria, Malta, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Croatia, Turkey, TFYRO Macedonia, Romania, Serbia.

The main aim was to improve the knowledge and skills of young people about how to be active actors in society using social media. 

The main objectives have been:
1. To reflect and discuss about the impact and usage of the social media;
2. To foster knowledge and skills in usage of blogs and ICT tools;
3. To boost knowledge and skills in advocacy and blog advocacy;
4. To encourage young people to become active in the own local community in human rights protection;
5. To promote intercultural competences and capacity to work in team.

The workshop followed diverse pedagogical and didactical approaches, all in the framework of nonformal education (role plays, simulation activities, small working groups, cooperative learning, active listening, reflection etc.).

The project was supported by the European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe.



One of our volunteers represented our organisation in the European Youth Meeting "A CALL TO CHANGE: FIGHTING POVERTY THROUGH HUMAN RIGHTS PROMOTION", Palermo, Sicily, 7h-15th of June, after our organisation's accepting the invitation by CEIPES, the host organisation.

A CALL TO CHANGE has been a training course with European countries - France, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Estonia, Portugal, Turkey, Scotland, Bulgaria, Poland, Austria, Slovak Republic and Italy – that gathered 30 participants during 8 working days in Palermo, Italy.
The main themes of the course were poverty, human rights and youth with fewer opportunities.
The main aim of the project was to contribute to fight poverty and social exclusion of youth with fewer opportunities,
which are more vulnerable. Moreover, the project approached poverty from a human rights perspective which is much richer and complete than an approach based on income. The participants (youth workers mostly) were invited tol learn different tools that they can multiply in their own local community and in other YiA projects.
The main activities have been: organisations fair, intercultural evening, presentations by participants about situation of youth in their countries, 'Compass' and other experiential activities, film viewing, oppressed theatre, meeting with the local community to share best practices in the field, thematic round tables.

All activities have been developed according to a peace education approach and a non-formal education system based in a learning by doing methodology and a participatory and democratic learning process.

With the financial support of the Youth in Action Program of the European Commission



The s p i r a l  focuses on developing strong relations with organisations which prioritise, during their activities and programmes, the elements of Creativity and Collaboration. Our organisation has been participating in European meetings/projects/workshops either as a partner organisation or as trainer and facilitator, inviting people of every age to personal and group sensitisation and activation towards social issues through individuals' realisations and community acts/initiatives.


with the financial support of the Youth in Action Program of the European Commission. 


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