... with schools
Large art installation with humanistic core and values by pupils in the yard of a primary school in Haidari, Attica
May-June 2012
The pupils of the last grade of the 8th Primary School in Haidari cooperated with great spirit and produced a large and inspiring art intervention for their school yard in the context of the innovative programme 'Art & Environment', which took place during May-June 2012, following our organisation's initiatives 'Holistic Education in Schools'
The pupils, after an experiential visit in two contemporary art galleries in the centre of Athens, projections of material and images about public and community art as well as group dynamics games, worked together for THEIR art installation.
Human values climbed the trees, named them and united them with the help of the magic hand of Art!
The art installation is visible to everybody inside or outside the school.
Warm congratulations and thanks to the teachers of the two groups for their commitment, positivity and enthusiasm...
Many happy returns in the near future!
A snowmen story seeks for the children's images
On the 19th of December 2009 "the spiral" met voluntarily pupils from the Hatzivei Primary School and worked together creativily during their annual meeting bazaar, which is comprised of α rich programme of workshops and activities each year, just few days before the Christmas celebration. The event has been a charity initiative for the "Love People" organisation."Don't consume energy!" This is the small but important note on the page of our young friend's art book...
The "Greate Green Metamorphosis Bible" art book has been the culmination of the creative workshop of our organisation with primary school children, within the context of the "Active Youth-Green City" programme, in Atalanti, during May 2009.
The art book received its artistic body after the children's imaginative work and the inspiration they received from "Art & Environment" images, videos and discussions. A great variety of recyclable marerial has been the raw material of the practical part of the workshop. The 'reader' of this unique in its size and content book traces the potentiality of each material (paper, metal, plastic...) used in each page, providing the book with a specific-identity solo and twin pages.
The actual book's size has been 40cmΧ80cm, condensing the power of individuals and, mainly, groups of people to transform positively human false in their homes, neighbourhoods and every genre of natural and homogenic environment.
The process itself has contributed greatly to the cultivation of cooperation seeds among the children of today's world and emphasised the multiplying and deep benefits of every collaborative scheme.
The s p i r a l has been cooperating with private and public schools within the context of programmes which support and transmit innovative learning approaches, experiential learning and art projects within the school curriculum. Some schools our organisation has worked with in the past are: the Ellinogermaniki Agogi Primary School, Athener Schule at Vrilissia, the Ag.Georgios Lichas Euboea Primary School.
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